Nearly all the research on robust aging has found an interesting distinction between emotional Support and direct assistance and the best way to illustrate that distinction is to remind you of when you learned to ride a bike Most of us can remember the exact moment when we were able to remove those training wheels and feel the exhilaration of being able to balance on the two-wheeler I know I do. It was a Sunday night in front of our apartment in Jackson Heights. Queens, New York I was about eight years old and my father took off the training wheels and began to run alongside the bike, helping to balance it from behind as pedaled with some uncertainty and wobbliness, slowly picking up speed, until he was finally able to let go as I shrieked, "I can do it!" That moment of autonomy, which most of us have experienced, at least those of us who learned to ride a two-wheeler, is significant. And it has a lot to teach us about aging well. My father provided emotional support, but h...