The rise in human longevity is one of humanity’s crowning achievements


Longevity by Vivanza biosciences

As per the claims by some Demographers and Biologists, There might be no natural limit to how long humans can live — at least not one yet in sight. According to their studies, the mortality rate levels off after age 55 which creates “mortality plateau”. If there is a mortality plateau, then there shall be no limit to human longevity.

Consensus holds by researches and studies claims that the risk of death steadily increases in adulthood, up to about age ranging from 50-80 or so. But there’s vehement disagreement about what happens as people enter their 90s and 100s. Some have concluded that death risk flattens out in one’s ultra-golden years, and therefore that human lifespan does not have an upper threshold.

Human longevity should best be thought of as an inadvertent byproduct of fixed genetic programs that optimize for growth, development, reproduction, and ensuring the reproductive success of offspring (eg, grandparenthood).

Future prospects:

The 30-year rise in life expectancy in the last 120 years was one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Public health played a critical role in the beginning when the easy gains in longevity were possible by saving the young, but these easy gains cannot happen again. Medical technology took over in the later part of the century to manufacture survival time for people that would have otherwise succumbed at younger ages to death’s consistent harvest.

In the modern era in long-lived populations we now live long enough for aging related diseases to impact human health.

If we continue to attack chronic fatal and disabling diseases in the future as we have in the past, we might very well succeed in postponing death, but the price of this success will likely be a rise in the prevalence and severity of aging related conditions.


No one can know exactly how anticipated advances in aging biology will influence the future course of life expectancy, If the goal of aging science and modern medicine shifts from its historical emphasis on trying to make us live longer, to a new goal of extending the period of healthy life, we no longer have to fight the uphill battle against life table entropy.

“Questions about upper limits to life expectancy should best be left to esoteric”


  1. Longevity medicines are future big business


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