The five Principles of a Heart- Healthy Diet
- Increase your consumption of omega-3 fats from fish and fish oil supplements and even plant sources (such as flaxseed).
- Substitute nonhydrogenated, unsaturated fats for saturated and trans fats.
- Eat a diet that is high in vegetables, nuts, fruits and whole grains and low in sugar and refined grain products.
- Avoid processed foods.
- Choose foods, food combinations and food preparation methods that are low on the glycemic index.
Eat Wild Salmon At Least Twice a Week to Protect
Your Heart
Remember to eat wild salmon. Yes, farmed salmon has more fat than wild salmon, but a much smaller percentage of that fat is from heart-healthy omega-3s and a much larger percentage is from pro-inflammatory omega-6s. Because, as we’ve seen earlier, the ratio of anti-inflammatory omega-3s to pro-inflammatory omega-6s is a big issue in the field of anti-aging (and human health in general), this is a disturbing piece of news.
Eat Broccoli as Often as Possible to keep Your Heart Young
The Cancer-defense properties of broccoli (and the entire brassica group of vegetables, including cabbage and brussels sprouts) are well known and extensively documented. But broccoli is also a food you want to consume regularly if you want to keep your heart young!
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