MAKE NUTS A REGULAR PART OF YOUR DIET TO LOWER YOUR RISK OF HEART DISESASE! Consume 2 ounces of nuts at least three times a week. The health benefits are numerous: they contain fiber, plant sterols, minerals and healthy fat, and are a staple in at least one of the longest lived societies on the planet in Loma Linda, California. The nuts that contain the highest amount of monounsaturated, or ‘’good’’, fat are almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts. So much on them as a snack, top salads or soups with them, or mix them with fruit and yogurt. DRINK 6 OUNCES OF POMEGRANATE JUICE DAILY TO HELP YOUR HEART AND YOUR LOVE LIFE! Antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice has always been shown up to help with erectile dysfunction and may help slow aging and protect against heart disease and cancer. Pomegranates are also rich in potassium and contain vitamin C. They’re grown all over the world and tend to be more available in October and N...